listless cat losing weight

Cat Health Problems -
If a diabetic cat goes untreated for long enough, it will develop ketoacidosis. Cats at this stage will not eat or drink, become dehydrated and more lethargic.. low carbohydrate canned food, if possible, and weight loss if your cat is obese.
older cat won't eat and is losing weight - Auspet - Message Boards.
The cat becomes listless and has lesser appetite while the abscess is building up . The locations are .. It causes diarrhea, lethargy, weight loss and rough coat.
She is doing great now and has normal appetite and her weight is back to normal and her blood. I am sorry you have lost your cat.. very labored breathing, lethargy and listlessness despite having a very rapid heart rate.
. thin since birth, so I don't think she's lost weight, she's always been a. I'd also like to add that the cat can't be taken to an animal ER - there .
Apr 30, 2013. Cat illness symptoms can include: high temperature, sickness, diarrhoea. when coupled with high temperature, blood in the urine or general listlessness. 5. Weight loss and excessive eating without other symptoms may .
Weight loss in obese cats is an important part of therapy and if possible ... When the infection is active the cat may be fevered, inappetant and lethargic.
listless cat losing weight
Feline Depression - VPI Pet Insurance.
When that happens, your pet may loose weight since it is no longer able to digest . Having lost the ability to regulate its blood glucose, your cat may also become diabetic. .. These cats are lethargic and not interested in their surroundings.
4 year old male cat - VERY lethargic, won't eat, won't drink, vomiting.
Cat lethargic, skinny, randomly meowing.. Drinks a lot.? - Yahoo.
Tree House Humane Society: Feline Health Issues.
A Question About Hyperthyroid cat and felimazole - VetClick.